What were the major challenges facing the newly emerging nations in the postwar period? How did different nations respond to those challenges?

Answer the following 2 questions 1.What were the major challenges facing the newly emerging nations in the postwar period? How did different nations respond to those challenges? 2.Why did the communist regimes collapse in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, but not in China?

The Black Power movement: In a four-five page double spaced paper (1200-1350 words), identify Sellers’ main argument and discuss the transitions and the critical turning points that he uses as evidence to support his claims . Evaluate the persuasiveness of his argument and finally, what do you think “Black Power” is?

The Black Power movement. The Black Power movement is frequently characterized as a violent terror organization that incited chaos and strained race relations. In his memoir The River of No Return, Cleveland Sellers chronicles the developments in SNCC that led an organization originally steeped in non-violence to one that moved to Black Power. In a … Read more

The American Civil War divided the United States into two regions with distinct cultures, values, economies, and politics. Provide an analysis of the arguments both the North and South asserted for going to war.

The American Civil War divided the United States into two regions with distinct cultures, values, economies, and politics. Provide an analysis of the arguments both the North and South asserted for going to war. Be sure to focus on: (a) sectionalism; (b) state’s rights; and (c) slavery Length: at least four (4) pages; excludes the … Read more

Slavery in the Southern Colonies: discuss all topics related to U.S. History between the time of European Exploration to 1877.

Slavery in the Southern Colonies Discuss all topics related to U.S. History between the time of European Exploration to 1877 Should be a minimum of 2 pages; no more than 3 pages 12 font Times New Roman 1 Inch Margins Cover Page with the following information in center of page: Name, Class and Section Number, … Read more

Thomas Jefferson documents: what is or are the main idea(s) and argument(s) the author is trying to convey to the reader?Discuss your argument about the main idea(s) and argument(s) the author presented.

Read the Thomas Jefferson documents Thomas Jefferson on Indians and Blacks (1784) Review Sheet Thomas Jefferson on Black Colonization (1801) Thomas Jefferson on the Indians’ Future (1803) Address the sources in the order they are listed above for the primary source review sheet assignment. Then complete the primary source assignment review sheet and submit your … Read more