The Abolitionist Movement : Explain how abolitionists upheld the Declaration of Independence as the foundation of antislavery and abolitionist thought.

The Abolitionist Movement Read the following primary source Then, address the following: • Assess if abolitionists were responsible reformers or irresponsible agitators? • Explain how abolitionists upheld the Declaration of Independence as the foundation of antislavery and abolitionist thought. • Assess the effect of the Gag Rule on the Abolitionist Movement. • Analyze how … Read more

Historical events : Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848? Explain why.

Historical events For the initial post, pick two (2) of the following historical events: • The Lewis and Clark Expedition • The Missouri Compromise • Independence of Texas • Mexican War of 1846-1848 • The California Gold Rush Then, address the following for your selections: • Which of your two selections do you consider most … Read more

Consciousness : How is it different than mere vegetarianism? What are the historical precedents of this dietary practice? When did it really catch fire in America ?

America How is it different than mere vegetarianism? What are the historical precedents of this dietary practice? When did it really catch fire in America ? What’s all the buzz about the restaurant Vegan Vampires in the Black Pearl section of the city?

What are the realities of slavery and its role in causing the Civil War, referencing at least two Conflicts or Compromises that resulted in the Civil War.

Slavery in US History Write a response to the following: (1) Explain the origins of slavery in the American colonies. (2)What are the realities of slavery and its role in causing the Civil War, referencing at least two Conflicts or Compromises that resulted in the Civil War. This should include 8-11 paragraphs 1 paragraph of … Read more

Describe changes in the economy as a result of improvements in transportation; factory work; banking and law. What were the risks involved in investing in the money market?

American History Answer the follow questions. 1 Write a brief paragraph in which you describe the differences of opinion among the regions of the United States over the issues of the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812 and the entry of Missouri as a new state. Are there any patterns? If so, any reasoning behind … Read more

Using the articles you have found as well as the documents/essays you analyzed in the Module 1 assignment, prepare an essay of 1,000 to 1,200 words that presents a coherent historical argument with a well-defined thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion.

CHIGAGO STYLE Women’s rights movement in the 1920’s-60’s was the beginning of woman freedom and to be independent. The objective of this paper is to explore the main achievements of the last century in the women rights movement and investigate the struggles and activism they have sustained. Specifically provides information how women in power contribute … Read more

Revolution : To what extent did politics complicate the issue of slavery in both the American colonies and the United States after the Revolution?

Revolution To what extent did politics complicate the issue of slavery in both the American colonies and the United States after the Revolution? How did politicians and political acts impact, expand, or limit the institution of slavery throughout its existence in North America? Construct an essay where you evaluate and ultimately judge the impacts specific … Read more

Elaborate on major points with degree of specificity and synthesis.Clarify premises using coherent diction.

Specificity and synthesis (1) 2000 words of original narrative (not including the title page, endnote page, or Bibliography), (2) at least four primary sources from your eText, and (3) at least two secondary sources related to the issue from external, academic sources. (1) Use Chicago Style consistently and correctly including one-inch margins, 12-point Times New … Read more

Women during the civil war : Read your textbook chapter and listen to the recorded lecture on Women in the Civil War, then write a minimum 3 page paper on an area in which women impacted and participated in the war effort.

Women during the civil war The Civil War was a seismic and traumatic event for the Nation. Women took on new roles, many of which were not considered ‘acceptable’ for women. Like the men of the era, women too had strong views of the causes for division and sought ways to aid their side. Read … Read more

Ratification : Apply your skills of influence and persuasion to create an informational pamphlet or brochure to help the people in your community decide whether to oppose or support ratification.

Ratification Imagine it is 1787. Like many people living in the United States, you hold strong beliefs about the ratification of the proposed U.S. Constitution and have concerns about how this proposed government will affect your community. Being a civic-minded citizen, you have decided to compile and distribute information about the proposed U.S. Constitution. Apply … Read more