The Evolution of American Thinking: describe the evolution of American thinking about the meaning of liberty, rights, and equality, culminating with the Cooper Union .

The Evolution of American Thinking Describe the evolution of American thinking about the meaning of liberty, rights, and equality, culminating with the Cooper Union Address. How did American liberal thought change, over the course of the period 1607 to 1860? Who is entitled to liberty? What kind of liberty or equality is desirable? Are liberty … Read more

Write an essay in which you analyze the key economic, social, political, and cultural changes in the U.S. since is this “new” America different from the nation you left behind?

You’re an American living in the year 1939. Suddenly, you’re abducted by aliens and transported forward in time to the year 2021. Write an essay in which you analyze the key economic, social, political, and cultural changes in the U.S. since 1939. How is this “new” America different from the nation you left behind? Try … Read more

The New Deal: what does Roosevelt mean by the difference between the definition of liberty that has existed in the past and his own “broader definition of liberty?”

The New Deal Write a 2-3 page paper in which you analyze the primary sources from Chapter 21, “The New Deal, 1932-1940. Analyze your sources by placing them in the historical context of their time period. Discuss what was going on at that time that each source was written. Give examples from the chapter and … Read more

ing specific examples discuss how America has responded to various threats to freedom since the outbreak of the First World War.

From 1914 through the present, the United States military has developed into an international police force. To justify this, our leaders have often stressed the need to defend our freedom at home and to protect others from oppression. Using specific examples discuss how America has responded to various threats to freedom (both real and perceived) … Read more

Discuss the expansion of American influence across North America, Latin America, and Asia during this period.

Consider the American Empire of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Citing specific examples, discuss the expansion of American influence across North America, Latin America, and Asia during this period. How have various leaders justified America’s domination of underdeveloped regions of the world? What was the impact of America’s Manifest Destiny? Please focus your … Read more

Hamilton’s Federalist Paper Number 15 and Patrick Henry’s Anti-Federalist speech: after reading these two points of view, argue which one you think is right and why.

Hamilton’s Federalist Paper Number 15 and Patrick Henry’s Anti-Federalist speech. After reading these two points of view, argue which one you think is right and why. 2 pages, 12 pt font, one inch margins, written to MLA standards you learned in English One.

Was Reconstruction a failure or success?explain point of view with 4-5 examples that prove your prospective.

Was Reconstruction a failure or success?Explain point of view with 4-5 examples that prove your prospective. 2 primary sources 3 secondary sources Title page Introduction, body, & conclusion Argumentative statement Last page needs to be a reference page In-text citations