Write an argumentative essay on a given topic using clearly documented information from credible sources.

Write an argumentative essay on a given topic. Using clearly documented information from credible sources. Essay word count 900 to 1000 words. Note: No Plagiarism Choice of Topic: 1. Constitutional Reform 2. E-learning 4. Media 5. Covid-19 6. Continuous Assessment 7. Health 8. Education

Develop a marketing strategy for H&M analysis>Draw on your situation analysis to justify your proposed marketing objectives, high-level strategic alternatives and implementation of tactical strategies.

Marketing strategy Perform situation analysis for H&M Specifically, you are expected to evaluate H&M business scope, remote and near environments (industry, competitors, consumers) and internal resources. In conclusion of your situation analysis, a problem and opportunity statement should be formulated and justified. Develop a marketing strategy for H&M analysis. Draw on your situation analysis to … Read more

What could the leadership do to fulfil some of its corporate social responsibilities?

Leadership styles The assignment has three different sections. Discusses leadership styles and how 1. Will affect the organization’s performance and effectiveness to manage the strategic change they want to implement. 2. How would it retain or change the organization’s corporate values? 3. What could the leadership do to fulfil some of its corporate social responsibilities? … Read more

Write a five-page research paper on one of the following topics>Explain the Enlightenment and how it impacted social welfare.

Write a five-page research paper on one of the following topics. The five pages are in addition to the title page, reference page, and abstract. You Must Use the APA style of writing. This is the American Psychological Style of Writing. You can find this online. Be sure to cite your sources. The paper is … Read more

Choose a developed country and discuss how its model of health care differs from that of the United States

No other country in the world has a health care system like that of the United States. Choose a developed country and discuss how its model of health care (e.g., national health insurance, national health system, or socialized health insurance) differs from that of the United States. Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of … Read more

Critically evaluate the efficacy of online therapeutic approaches in comparison to offline ones.

Critically evaluate the efficacy of online therapeutic approaches in comparison to offline ones. Anything from VR for phobia treatment, online counselling, CBT, computer-mediated therapy etc. Therefore, although your current title is potentially quite broad, if you decide to narrow the focus after doing some reading that would be absolutely fine but you would spell that … Read more