Explain how social movements will shape politics?

Explain how social movements will shape politics? What do you think the Black Lives Matter movements, Immigrant Rights Movements and related protests will do to American politics or policy in the long term (5 years or more in the future)? Will the movements accomplish their goals, or have unexpected side effects? Draw on theories discussed … Read more

Explain the role of slavery in the buildup to the Civil War starting with the aftermath of the American Revolution.

“However much [Confederate President] Jefferson Davis and other southerners argued that succession and the war were about states’ rights, the states of the Lower South seceded in 1860-1861 primarily to preserve slavery. The South Carolina Declaration on the Immediate Causes of Secession explains that the state left the union because of the ‘increasing hostility on … Read more

Write a critical reflection on the goodness of a qualitative study.

Write a critical reflection on the goodness of a qualitative study. chosen study: “Customer solutions in the capital goods industry: Examining the impact of the buying center” (see attached: 1_Customer solutions in the capital goods industry- Examining the impact of the buying center) Use the mandatory readings quality of the chosen study.

‘Theories of personality’: Select one of Alfred Adler’s tendencies and compare that tendency with instances of safeguarding that you find in Scripture.

Use the textbook: Feist, J., Feist, G. J., & Roberts, T. (2021). Theories of personality (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Examine Alfred Adler’s  safeguarding tendencies in the text. Select ONE of the tendencies and compare that tendency with instances of safeguarding that you find in Scripture. Demonstrate how that situation would have been improved … Read more

Write a book report on ‘For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood’           

Write a book report on ‘For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood’                                                                       Address the following: o What did you agree with in the book? o What did you disagree with? o Based on what you have learned about teaching and student development, what challenges do you foresee in implementing the author’s recommendations?

Tariffs and quotas: compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?

Tariffs and quotas Research tariffs on tires and steel, and aluminum.  Compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?    What impact has the tire tariff have on the economy overall? In your opinion, is the tariff effective in changing the economic performance of a country?

The Mind Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer: explain this model’s approach and  the pitfalls?

The Mind Gut Connection by Emeran Mayer. In this introductory chapter, Dr. Mayer discusses how the traditional biological model approached gastro intestinal problems/complaints with patients. Explain this model’s approach and  the pitfalls? Give at least one example of a disorder or illness that wasn’t properly treated by the biomedical approach. What were some of the … Read more