How many statuses and roles do you juggle in life? Do all of your work, friend, family groups know each other or do you keep those relationships separate?

Who are you online? What processes are involved in creating a social media presence/persona?

Are you more or less ‘real’ online? Are you more real online than in person? Why or why not?

Who is your audience online? How do you maintain your audience?

How do you know what and what not to post online?

Have you changed the presentation of your online self over the years versus the past presentation? How? Why?

Who are you? What are the forces at work and/or in your past life that have created you?

Are there groups and/or people that you feel more ‘authentic’ around? Are you aware of the forces that are currently shaping you?

How many statuses and roles do you juggle in life? Do all of your work, friend, family groups know each other or do you keep those relationships separate?

Have you become a new human being altogether in this life? How many lives or people have you become in one lifetime?