Select a topic or question about college life and create a research proposal based on the research methods discussed in Chapter 2 in the textbook.

Select a topic or question about college life and create a research proposal based on the research methods discussed in Chapter 2 in the textbook.

Your proposal should include the following:

1) A brief introduction to the issue. What do we know? What are you going to investigate. Cite at least one academic source . Cite your source in APA format at the end.

2) A hypothesis.

3) Research methods. How will you go about studying this topic and confirming/disproving your hypothesis? What method would you use and why? Why do you think this is the best choice?

4) Describe how you will uphold ethics in your research and protect your respondents?

5) Describe your research approach. Who will you want to gather data from? How many will be suitable to give you some accurate data? How will you access these people? What will you do with the data after you collect it? Give us some details of how you would go about this research.

6) Create two open-ended and two close-ended questions that would be useful to your research.