Reflective Informative Essay : Asess what you have learned in the class about academic research, reading, and writing. Second, it will assess your skill in developing an organized academic essay in APA style.

Reflective Informative Essay

Purpose Outcomes Instructions Tips for Success

Asess what you have learned in the class about academic research, reading, and writing. Second, it will assess your skill in developing an organized academic essay in APA style.


  1. Share research about your main topic in a clear manner.
  2. Write an essay in clear academic essay format.


To complete this assignment…

  1. Write your essay.
  • Complete your introduction, body, and conclusion.
    • Turn in the assignment as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf via “Submit Assignment” and await a score and feedback.
  • You must also include an APA title page, running headers and page numbers, and your APA annotated references page.


  • See Scoring Rubric – Essays in Modules for scoring info.

Tips for Success

To help in the completion of this assignment, make sure to:

  • View the Example Final Draft to see if your essay looks as it should.

Essay #2 – Reflective informative Essay

What should I write about in this essay?

The purpose of writing a reflective informative essay is to give your audience interesting and relevant information about a topic (informative) and to discuss your personal experiences with and understanding of that information (reflective).

Topic: You will write about your experience as a writer in this class and what you have learned about writing, reading, and researching a topic at the academic level. This will be a single-draft essay; the goal for this essay is to act a bit like a final exam in which you will do your best to complete the essay based on what you have learned about essay writing. You may use any of the documents in this class to help you complete the essay.

Who is my audience for this essay?

Audience: Your audience is your peers and instructors in your general education classes; they are college-educated, but they may not have specific knowledge in the topic that you are writing about.


Word count

  • 1200 – 1800 words (final draft)


Academic essay formatting style

  • APA, including title page, abstract, running head on each page, and page numbers on each page.


Basic formatting elements

  • 12-pt Times New Roman or Courier New
  • Double-spacing
  • No extra spacing between paragraphs