Using a sociological theoretical perspective of either Conflict Theory or Symbolic Interactionist Theory, analyze a movie of your choice, applying sociological concepts from your text to the movie to support what you believe the movie has to say sociologically.

Sociological Analysis of a Movie.

Movies can tell us a lot about society and culture. A movie may discuss social roles in a particular time and culture, history, views of socially constructed norms such as sexual morality, cultural fears, and many other sociological facets.

By reviewing the movie from a sociological perspective, we can gain insight into a director or writer’s vision, but also how contemporary society views itself and its world.

Using a sociological theoretical perspective of either Conflict Theory or Symbolic Interactionist Theory, analyze a movie of your choice, applying sociological concepts from your text to the movie to support what you believe the movie has to say sociologically.

Summarize the whole movie; rather, focus on the parts of it that are most important to your argument.