Case Study Analysis : Incorporate the values of culture and history of Indigenous communities in risk analysis studies and the development of risk management plans.

Case Study Analysis

The topic can be chosen from one of the following :


▪ Incorporate the values of culture and history of Indigenous communities in risk analysis studies and the development of risk management plans

▪ Identify stakeholders, boundaries and uncertainties in engineering projects and systems.


  1. Read, research, and select one topic from the list provided above.
  2. Find two case studies relevant to your topic. You can use any sources via the library database or the web (For example, you can find real case studies here, by going to “investigations” tab where you can find final reports for industrial accidents).
  3. For each case study:

– Set a boundary of investigation

– Analyse the stakeholders and explore if the case study affected or was affected by Indigenous communities

–  Define the inherent risk

– Describe in detail the causal chain (i.e.  show causality from the root cause(s) to the failure event) and provide a causal loop diagram for each failure.

  1. All content must be written without grammatical errors and should be fully referenced in IEEE style. You must have in-text referencing and include a list of references at the end of report.