Social work Write a brief summary describing the importance of the social work (SW) profession to the USA summarize.

Social work

Write a brief summary describing the importance of the social work (SW) profession to the USA summarize. Then transition into how SW had to become more organized to become this great profession.

SW had to develop professional standard(Rewriter) Since the 1980s, licensure has increasingly become a requirement for the professional practice of social work in most states of the United States.

However, this now causes problems where the social worker needs to licensing to be considered a SW and to get clinical jobs. Lastly, lt has consequently, become increasingly important for social workers to pass the licensing examination
if they are to obtain employment and seek opportunities to fulfill professional
roles and leadership positions at different levels (Hoffman, 2002; Thyer, 2011). there more comments on the paper. Also, the paper formatting is wrong I will send a formatting guide to please reformate chapter 1 and 2.