How has the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the film industry and its business models?

Business models in the media industry.

Geography and Time

The primary focus of this research will be small scale film production companies in the US who have been forced by the devastating consequences of the coronavirus pandemic presort two alternative strategies such as content creation for established online streaming companies such as Netflix and Amazon. Additionally, several small-scale film production companies in the USA and especially in Hollywood are now resorting to creating movies and short films for the giant streaming companies on a contractual basis where they have been forced to forfeit their copyrights to remain productive. The current situation witnessed emerged in 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic had become a serious global economic threat to all productive industries.

The period under consideration includes late 2019, when the coronavirus pandemic broke out, and the entirety of 2020, when the devastating economic impact of the pandemic was felt globally. Moreover, it is the same. When efforts made towards prevention of other spread bore no fruits as cases of contagion increased at a high rate overwhelming the existing healthcare systems and economic structures in various countries.

Exploratory Question

How has the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the film industry and its business models?