Think critically and independently ,Communicate skillfully and effectively Formulate and justify informed opinions on Hate crime.

Hate crime

Length: approx. 2000 words


Think critically and independently ,Communicate skillfully and effectively
Formulate and justify informed opinions on Hate crime.

Respond to your chosen topic by employing three genres or styles of writing discussed in class:

  • A letter to the editor, 300 words
  • A tweet (maximum 140 characters, unlimited hashtags. i.e. not included in the word limit)
  • A parliamentary brief/research report. 1500 words

300 words. The tweet (maximum 140 characters, unlimited hashtags. i.e. not included in the word limit) criticizes the letter-writer. The parliamentary brief provides a balanced view supported by relevant research literature. 1500 words. Remember it does not matter what your own personal opinion is for this exercise, what you are doing is learning to take a position and defend it. We recommend you use Harvard style referencing.

2. Hate crimes
Story: (US) ABC News: 20 years after 9/11, Islamophobia continues to haunt Muslims,