Pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic: Summarize the limitations of textbooks which McConachy and Hata discuss.

Pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic

Read the article, Addressing textbook representations of pragmatics and culture by Troy McConachy and Kaori Hata

1) Summarize the limitations of textbooks which McConachy and Hata discuss.

2) Choose a Hong Kong primary/secondary school textbook

Review the textbook: does it have the same limitations as those described by McConachy and Hata? (~250words)

(English textbook ) (not necessarily to be real, if it’s not suitable then you can just brag it/ choose other textbook e.g in Secondary school)

3)What other limitations can you identify in terms of the effectiveness of the textbook in teaching pragmatic competence (pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic). (~250WORDS)

Discuss how a teacher could overcome the limitations of the Hong Kong textbook, following the suggestions McConachy and Hata present in their article, and your own suggestions. (~300WORDS)