Write an essay of approximately 500 words about the positive and/or negative ways the COVID-19 pandemic has affected you.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused hardship for both children and adults, the pandemic has also brought families closer and made some people appreciate what they might have taken for granted before the pandemic. Children miss playing with their friends, going to a movie, etc. Adults, of course, face more serious hardships from losing their jobs to living with the uncertainty of whether or not they should return to their college dorm rooms or continue living at home with parents. Along with the hardships, the pandemic has brought some positivity. For example, more people are volunteering at their local food bank, and more families are now enjoying quality family time, either working on projects together or having more meals together. The above mentioned examples are just some of the ways the pandemic has affected, not only Americans, but people all over the world.


Write an essay of approximately 500 words about the positive and/or negative ways the COVID-19 pandemic has affected you.

  • You may write about positive effects only, negative effects only, or both positive and negative effects.


  • Write a well-developed, multi-paragraph essay of approximately 500 words.
  • Include a clear thesis statement in your introduction.
  • Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that supports your thesis.
  • Develop each body paragraph with details that support the body paragraph’s topic sentence (examples).
  • For this essay, you MAY use first person (I, me, my, myself, mine, we, our, us).
  • Use transitions to help your information flow smoothly.
  • Do NOT research for this assignment.
  • Follow MLA format (1” margins, double space, last name and page number, heading, title).
  • Refer to “MLA Sample Heading and Formatting Instructions” posted in Week 1 module.
  • Do the color coding exercise to revise your draft before submitting it as a final draft.
  • Remember to PROOFREAD your paper! Avoid careless mistakes.