Using the British Social Attitudes data set called ‘assoc2013.sav’, create a contingency table in SPSS that allows you to explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations. layer this table by sex so that you can look at the association separately for men and women.

Using the British Social Attitudes data set called ‘assoc2013.sav’, create a contingency table in SPSS that allows you to explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations. Layer this table by sex so that you can look at the association separately for men and women.

The variable homosex asks whether the respondent thinks same sex sexual relations are always, mostly, sometimes, rarely or never wrong. Age 3 cat splits age into thre bands. R sex denotes the sex of the respondent.

Describe the results of your analysis in no more than 300 words (not including any tables or charts). Make sure you describe the percentages in the table(s) and comment on the Chi-square tests of statistical significance. You should include the output from SPSS that you have used to generate the results and describe the relevant parts in your answer.