Reading habits: how much time do you spend reading every day?do you read the news every day?do you read them online or in the paper?

Reading Habits
What do you enjoy reading? Keep in mind the genres other than fiction (like thriller, sci-fi or – drama, for example) such as blogs, scientific articles, social media etc.

How much time do you spend reading every day?

Do you read the news every day? Do you read them online or in the paper?

Have your reading habits changed over time? Perhaps you read more when you were younger, or perhaps you read different things?

Do you have any specific interests which have their own literature? This could be fashion magazines, rule books for role playing, ornithology books etc.

What books would you recommend? What do you think makes them so good?

Write a  conclusion to wrap up your text.

Make the text 400-600 words long. Keep in mind that this is a formal text,avoid contractions (I’m, it’s, don’t etc.) and spellings like “u” for “you” or “wanna” for “want to” and so on.