The Filth and the Fury: discuss how the Sex Pistols are portrayed in Julien Temple`s documentary The Filth and the Fury. do you think that the sex pistols’ critique of English society is justified? why or why not?

The Filth and the Fury
1. Type-written

2. Double-spaced

3. On white 8.5″ x 11″ paper

4. In twelve-point Times New Roman font

5. Page numbered (top right-hand corner)

6. Properly formatted according to MLA guidelines

Write an introductory paragraph and 3 topic sentences (first sentence of body paragraph that acts as the
thesis/main idea of the entire paragraph) that correspond to 3 separate body paragraphs of a 5 paragraph
essay. Make sure that you write a fully developed and formally written introductory paragraph. In each
BODY paragraph, you must include a topic sentence and another sentence that briefly discusses/outlines
what you will be analyzing in that particular BODY paragraph. Do not write any more than these two
sentences for each body paragraph. Do not write a conclusion. Make sure you indent each paragraph,
including your INTRO and all 3 separate body paragraphs. You must include an Annotated
Bibliography/Works Cited list beginning on a separate page at the end of your Outline.

Consult the Annotated Bibliography


Watch the documentary film The Filth and the Fury, and then read a selection of the research
articles posted to the Course Content and respond to the question listed below. You are required to
consider the given topic carefully and discuss your ideas concisely.

(Note: Annotated Works Cited list begins on separate page at the end of your Outline.)

Use at least 4 of the Research Articles posted to the Course Content.

(Note: Your minimum number of sources for your Annotated Works Cited list
is 5 = 4 Research Articles +
The Filth and the Fury).

In Julien Temple’s documentary The Filth and the Fury the Sex Pistols portray themselves as a necessary
and justified rebellion against the “old way”, or the conservative class system of their time. However,
those that disagree with the Sex Pistols’ message, such as conservative media commentators, religious
groups, and political elites, see the Sex Pistols as a “punk rock threat” that is causing a “moral panic”
which must be eliminated.


Discuss how the Sex Pistols are portrayed in Julien Temple`s documentary The Filth and the Fury. Do
you think that the Sex Pistols’ critique of English society is justified? Why or Why not? Do you agree
with any of the criticisms that conservative media commentators, religious groups, and political elites,
etc., have about the Sex Pistols? Why or Why not? Finally, what is your impression of the Sex Pistols
after having watched The Filth and the Fury?

How to Answer the Question:

Use specific references to scenes from the film The Filth and the Fury to compare and contrast how the
Sex Pistols are portrayed by media favourable to them vs. how the Sex Pistols are portrayed by media that
is unfavourable to them. Use the research articles to help back up your analysis.