Film: Class Divide: Effects of Gentrification in West Chelsea: what was the role of the high Line in the gentrification of west chelsea? how has the high Line changed the neighborhood overall ? justify your response with reference to the film.

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Film: Class Divide: Effects of Gentrification in West Chelsea, NYC – (If you don’t already have a Kanopy account through DMACC,
After watching the film, answer 4 out of the following 9 questions .
1. In Class Divide we learn that since 2009, the average rent for Chelsea apartments rose 10 times faster than for all of Manhattan. What have the implications been?
2. What was the role of the High Line in the gentrification of West Chelsea? How has the High Line changed the neighborhood overall ? Justify your response with reference to the film.
3. What are some of the perceptions that Chelsea-Elliott Housing residents have about the Avenues students and vice versa? Do you think those attitudes are fair or unjustified?
4. Why is gentrification emotive and controversial? Justify your response with specific references to the documentary.
5. The filmmaker chooses to interview a number of subjects but puts particular emphasis on interviewing youth from both sides of the ‘divide’. Do you think this is an effective choice? Why or why not?
6. What is the role of real estate agents and developers in gentrification? Make specific references to the documentary e.g. the tactics used to displace old-time residents that NYC councilman Corey Johnson mentions during the protest.
7. What do you think about Yasemin’s 115 steps project? What does dialogue across divides achieve?
8. How is gentrification embedded in race and class relations and social stratification? In the documentary, Hyisheem claims, “It’s not racism, it’s classism.” Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
9. In the documentary, residents of the Elliott-Chelsea Houses express uncertainty about their future in the neighborhood. Danny wonders whether they will give his mother money to move out. Brandon says it is like a big question mark on what’s going to happen next. The young man sitting on the bench says he feels as if they are already starting to push them out. He says, “I feel like I live under a cloud of darkness surrounded by happiness.” Given what you know about the changing face of Chelsea do you think it is inevitable that these families will get pushed out of the neighborhood? Justify your response.