Organizational Analysis:What is the cycle of production for an organization?what is the organization about? what is it brought in (input) by the oganization and how is it used to form  product (throughput)?(choose any organization)

Organizational Analysis:

Defining General Organizational Realities for the Case Study.(choose any organization)
Apply the Systems Theories lens to your organization. This creates a sense of the organization in a general way before turning to the specific problem within the organization which is identified in Case Study:
Lens Two: Reviewing the Systems Theories [ORGANISM]

Use the following questions to describe, in a summative-narrative fashion, what the systems of your organization looks like. Your summary is to be 3–5 pages, include 3–5 references. Have a title and reference page, and be formatted according to current APA style (first person should not be used).

What is the cycle of production for an organization?what is the organization about?
What is it brought in (input)by the organization and how is it used to form  product (throughput)?
What do we send out into the larger world (output)?
Should it be open to negative feedback from the sub and super systems?
What is it to be done to reverse the entropy of the system?
Are we exploring other paths to the ends (equifinality)?
What is our proper place in the broader society and economy?
Issue: genotypic function. (Productive, Maintenance, Adaptive, Managerial/Political)
Are we balancing our need for profit with a long-term view of survival?
The issue is the Maximization Principle.
How are we scanning the environment?
What is it known about the environmental sectors (Economic, political, social, etc.)?