Choose and submit a piece or passage of persuasive writing that is authored by a different writer

Rhetorical analysis

1. Choose and submit a piece or passage of persuasive writing that is authored by a different writer between 200-2,000 words in length.

2. Analyze your chosen text by doing the following:

a. Summarize the text.

b. Discuss the author’s purpose for the text.

c. Explain the context of the text.

c. Describe the audience of the text.

e. Explain the appeal(s) (i.e., logos, ethos, pathos) that are found within the text. For each type of appeal used in the text, include at least one example.

f. Evaluate the text’s overall rhetorical effectiveness at achieving the author’s purpose based on the text’s context, audience, and use of appeals.

B. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.