Compute the mean square prediction errors (MSPE) and compare the model performance with an average-of-last-twelve-months model.

Forecasting UK Inflation

“Since Central Banks have abandoned the control of monetary aggregates and have implemented inflation targeting rules directly or indirectly, by means of aggressive Taylor rules, forecasting inflation rates has become crucial for both policy makers and private agents who try understand and react to Central Banks behaviour. Several methods have been proposed to estimate and forecast the dynamics of inflation rates but the overall performance has been, at best, mixed: the information contained in the dynamics of past inflation appear suffice and very few other variables add marginal predictive content to univariate specifications.” European Central Bank, working paper 151, Fabio Canova, 2002.

“Long-term nominal commitments such as labor contracts, mortgages and other debt, and price stickiness are widespread features of modern economies. In such a world, forecasting how the general price level will evolve over the life of a commitment is an essential part of private sector decision-making.” Jon Faust and Jonathan Wright, ‘Forecasting inflation’, Handbook of Economic Forecasting, 2013.

Comment on descriptive statistics and on graphics

Fit an ARMA model to the data for the sample 1994m1 – 2016m8 and test the residuals of the model for serial correlation

Perform pseudo out-of-sample forecasting experiments for the period 2016m9 – 2021m8

Perform dynamic forecasts with STATA .

Compute the mean square prediction errors (MSPE) and compare the model performance with an average-of-last-twelve-months model.

Perform a one-step prediction experiment, by forecasting one step ahead at each point in time.

Compute the mean square prediction errors and compare the model performance with a one-step average-of-last-12-months model.

The coursework has a maximum length of 2,000 words, and should be split into the following sections: