Case Study : Using the negative message strategy, write a donation request refusal letter that maintains good relations with your client.

Case Study 7.4
Request Refusal: Advocating for Abused Children [Objs. 1 – 4]
(I have altered the textbook’s 7.4 assignment a bit. Please follow mine.)
As vice president of Mark Mendelson Financial Services, Inc. (address: 4000 Bradley Street, 3rd floor, Austin, TX 78701; phone: 512-217-6991; fax 512-217-7542; website:, you (You are vice president, not Mark Mendelson himself.) serve many clients, and they sometimes ask your company to contribute to their favorite charities.

You recently received a letter from Paulina Ramirez (President, Board of Directors, National Court Appointed Special Advocates, 4382 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701) and one of Mark Mendelson Financial Services (MMFS) clients requesting that MMFS contribute a larger amount to the National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Association than it has in the past.

On visits to your office, she has told you about its programs to recruit, train, and support volunteers in their work with abused children. As the president of the board of directors, she plays an active role helping neglected children find safe, permanent homes. She told you that children with National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) volunteers are more likely to be adopted and are less likely to reenter the child welfare system.

You have a soft spot in your heart for children and especially for those who are mistreated. You sincerely want to continue supporting CASA and its good work; however, times are tough, and you cannot be as generous as you have been in the past. Ms. Ramirez wrote you a special letter requesting MMFS become a Key Contributor, with a pledge of $1,000.

Your Task

Using the negative message strategy, write a donation request refusal letter that maintains good relations with your client.

  • Provide details necessary to complete the message. Remember complimentary details for the buffer.