What is truth? In Science? In Politics? In our Society? Where does it begin and end? How much truth can we take? Where does our truth come from? Once we establish our belief system, how often do we question our truth, if ever? How does Truth encounter Justice? Who seeks Justice? Why?


What is truth? In Science? In Politics? In our Society? Where does it begin and end? How much truth can we take? Where does our truth come from? Once we establish our belief system, how often do we question our truth, if ever? How does Truth encounter Justice? Who seeks Justice? Why?

What is society’s role in establishing and maintaining TRUTH? Because of America’s history, how should the future look in respect to justice and truth? Consider “Black Lives Matter” as a focus or “Women’s Rights” or the “Myths and Misinformation about Latinos” over time.

How important is it that we as Americans understand American history as it really happened?

How has the “establishment” kept people (who are not white men) in their places? Have things changed at all in the last 50 years in that regard? 20 years? 3 years? How so? Whose voices are heard? Whose voices should be heard? Why and How? Do we turn a blind eye to truth? How true is something true?

What ethical responsibility do we have to each other? Our family? Our environment? Are we a depraved society that allows falsehoods and misinformation? Do we allow things to go unaddressed if we are benefiting from a situation? Do we exercise “doublethink”?