Plot the real GDP for the country of your choice over time and add an exponential trend line with its equation, which reflects the potential GDP. Analyze briefly your graph highlighting periods of recession and expansions, as well as finding the long run economic growth rate.

Excel Assignment

For all the tasks below only use quarterly or yearly data for at least 30 years.

1. (2 marks) Plot the real GDP for the country of your choice over time and add an exponential trend line with its equation, which reflects the potential GDP. Analyze briefly your graph
highlighting periods of recession and expansions, as well as finding the long run
economic growth rate.

2. (2 marks) Use real (or constant prices) household Consumption (C), private investment (I) and your data on real GDP (Y). Plot on the same diagram the following
C = a + b*Y
I = m + n*Y
where (a, b, m, n) are constants to be estimated.

3. (1 mark) Assume anything else is constant, find the multiplier (K) for the chosen