Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue “looks like” within society, who is affected by the social issue, and how they are affected.

TED talk: Bullying

Describe the title of your TED Talk and who you would like to see in your audience.

Then address the following:

Understanding the Social Issue.Describe your chosen social issue and explain why it is important to address.

Using your sociological imagination, explain what your chosen social issue “looks like” within society, who is affected by the social issue, and how they are affected.

Describe which sociological perspective(s) “fits” with your social issue and explain why.

The Role of Social Structure

Explain which social institutions are involved in the social issue and how they are involved.

Describe what social norms are involved and whether these norms should be challenged. Then, explain why or why not.
Describe if and how the process of socialization has played a role in your

social issue.