Discuss the impact of Social Media on Policymakers to ensure the Development towards Sustainable cities, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11.

Development towards Sustainable cities

Discuss the impact of Social Media on Policymakers to ensure the Development towards Sustainable cities, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11.

(1 space)

The maximum wordcount is 5000 words including abstract, in-text citations, image captions, and bibliography. The font Times New Roman should be used in 12pt. Page margins should be 2.54cm top, bottom, left and right.

The first level headings should be in 12pt Times New Roman, UPPERCASE and bold fonts. The first level heading should be left aligned and the headings should follow a numbering format starting from 1. Leave a single space between the first level heading and the subsequent paragraph. All paragraphs should be both right and left justified, no indent.

(1 space)

There should be a single space between the paragraphs, no indent. Do not insert page numbers, headers or footer or footnotes on your paper.

(2 spaces)