Solar Panels : What is the future of this technology? What advancements are scientists trying to come up with and what will we want them to do?

Solar Panels

Organize your thoughts and the main points of your “Solar Panels”.

a. Does the device transform one type of energy to another .

b. What sub assemblies and components does the technology contain and how do they work? One approach you can consider taking here is to choose some elemental particle that the technology works with and describe how it is processed by the technology. Using the engine as an example, you could consider describing how a drop of fuel enters the engine, gets mixed with air, results in combustion, whose gases then expand, etc. This should be the most substantial portion of your final presentation.

c. What enabling technologies were/are required to make this new technology possible?What relevant discoveries were needed to make this new technology possible?

d. What is the future of this technology? What advancements are scientists trying to come up with and what will we want them to do?