How does the writer connect various subtopics about identity for instance, their personal identity and religious faith, or their personal identity and ethnicity?

Topic Choices:

Gender, Sexuality, & Identity Readings
Language, Education, & Identity Readings
Ethnicity, Race, & Identity Readings
Technology, Society, & Identity Readings
Religion, Belief, & Identity Readings
Identity in Popular Culture Readings
Identity in Cultural/Global Trends Readings

Here are some general questions to help as you read, take notes, and make connections:

How does the writer connect various subtopics about identity for instance, their personal identity and religious faith, or their personal identity and ethnicity?

What does identity mean to the writer? What conflicts or challenges does she address?

What does the writer say about how identity does, should, or should not work in society—generally or in particular contexts?

  • Length: 3-4 pages double-spaced
  • Format: MLA format, Times New Roman, Size 12, 1-inch margins