Academic Values : Locate, analyze, and respond to a review or critical viewpoint related to a television show, podcast, movie, album, video game, social media platform, or other cultural product that you enjoy.

Academic Values

Critical Thinking, Critical Analysis, Discourse, Claims Based on Evidence, Close Reading, Basic Web Research


Locate, analyze, and respond to a review or critical viewpoint related to a television show, podcast, movie, album, video game, social media platform, or other cultural product that you enjoy.

Choose an article that reviews or makes a critical argument about the tv show, movie, podcast, album or cultural product.

  • Use MLA format in order to design your document and cite your source(s) and practice generating an original title for your essay.
  • The writer adheres to MLA guidelines for formatting, in-text citations, and the Works Cited page.
  • The essay is 700-900 words and has an original title.