Revise the following sentences, add coordination where appropriate and removing faulty or excessive coordination.

Revise the following sentences, add coordination where appropriate and removing faulty or excessive coordination.

1. Congress is expected to pass the biotechnology bill. The president already has said he will veto it.

2. Mortgage rates have dropped. Home buying is likely to increase in the near future.

3. The earth trembled. The long-dreaded cataclysm had begun.

4. I left the house in a hurry and ran to the bank so I could cash a check to buy lunch, but it was the bank’s anniversary, and the staff was busy serving coffee and cake, so by the time I left, after chatting and eating for twenty minutes, I wasn’t hungry anymore.

5. The U.S. Postal Service handles millions of pieces of mail every day. It is the largest postal service in the world.

6. The rebels may take the capital in a week. They may not be able to hold it.

7. If you want to take Spanish this semester, you have only one choice. You must sign up for the 8 a.m. course.