Select a disabled person and explain the creative advocacy solutions the person’s life gave rise  to create more inclusive and socially just communities nationally and/or inter-nationally.

Personality Profile for a disabled person

Select a disabled person for whom you will prepare a personality profile.

● Select a disabled person to profile from:

A) disabled persons referenced in the course such as David Lepofsky, Jordan
River Anderson, Haben Girma, Judith Heumann, Yetnebersh Nigussie, Leroy F
Moore, Tom Shakespeare, Alice Wong, Stella Young, Sarah Jama, Rosemarie
Garland-Thomson, Floyd Morris, Junius Wilson.

B) disabled persons not referenced in the course such as Javed Abidi, Thomas Gallaudet, and Aoi Shiba no kai – you must ensure the availability of information to prepare the profile adequately and cogently cite the references:

● Get specific self-identification information on the person being profiled – name, age, type of impairment, race, gender, ethnicity, indigenous identity, family characteristics, country(ies) of origin and/or residence and any other relevant information.

● Assess how the disability is located for the individual

● Clarify the barriers they faced and how their political, social and economic context may have exacerbated these barriers – these could include inter alia, attitudes, educational, pro-fessional/workforce related, leadership at the community, national or international levels,communication, physical environment or other accessibility matters,

● Explain the creative advocacy solutions the person’s life gave rise  to create more inclusive and socially just communities nationally and/or inter-nationally. Explain the turning point(s) that lead to the press for change or activism.

● Discuss how this person’s life contributed to your understanding of disability, that is, any new insights gained or existing views solidified.

  • APA format.
  • Use a minimum of four references for this paper; at least two.
  • 1250-1500 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font.