Decolonizing Critical Reflective Analysis (DCRA) – Colonization, Resilience Resurgence
• What are the implications for focusing/not focusing on the story of colonization? For colonization to be the ONLY story in Indigenous lives?
• Discuss resilience and resurgence at the micro and macro levels?
• What are the implications for Indigenous peoples / non-Indigenous peoples to also have the stories of resilience and resurgence as part of their discourse and the public discourse?
• How is social work been implicated in the stories of colonization and resurgence?
• How can the medicine wheel as a theoretic framework help us understand colonization and its effects and Indigenous resurgence /resilience? Be mindful of your own reactions.
• Discuss the cultural, political and social influences on yourself, your experiences and your thinking.
• Explain how your experiences and your thinking / understanding/ meaning making may be similar/different from Indigenous experiences and perspectives.
Corntassel, J, Chaw-win-is, & T’lakwadzi. (2009). Indigenous Storytelling, Truth-telling, and Community
Approaches to Reconciliation. English Studies in Canada, 35(1), 137-159