Sociology: How do you know which items are intended for girls and which for boys? Are there gender-neutral items or non-gendered items?


  1. How do you know which items are intended for girls and which for boys? Are there gender-neutral items or non-gendered items?
  2. What kinds of things do you think clothes and toys teach children about being a boy or a girl, end eventually a man or a woman?
  3. What beliefs, values, etc. are boys/girls and men/women supposed to like/dislike?
    Are there any ways in which toys, clothing or other children’s consumer items encourage boys and girls to be similar to one another?Explain.
  4. How do children’s clothing and toys perpetuate or challenge inequality,stereotypes, or other gender-related social phenomenon?
  5. Describe any patterns you observed as well as anything you saw that was unusual or unexpected.

At least 750 words  this generally translates to 3 pages (double-spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font)