Springtime: Close-reading and use it to support an analytical argument by focusing on one text and to practice properly integrating a source into a focused, detailed argument.   


Close-reading and use it to support an analytical argument by focusing on one text and to practice properly integrating a source into a focused, detailed argument.

Respond to the following prompt in one unified, cohesive essay. This paper must be 450 words minimum.    

Before you begin writing, choose one question from the Literary Theory Questions Handout (in the week three foldeR) that you want to apply to one play that we have read up to the draft due date. Now:

  • In paragraph one, discuss a moment from your chosen play that helps to answer that question. Include and analyze at least one quote from the play.
  • In paragraph two, analyze a moment from the same play that is either similar or contrasting with the moment in paragraph one. Include and analyze at least one quote from the play.
  • In paragraph three, draw a conclusion based on specifics from paragraph one and two that answers the question that you chose. Again, make explicit use of paragraph one and two in doing so.