QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE KENNEY: write a paragraph where you discuss your response to the film Flirt.


A.Write a paragraph where you discuss your response to the film Flirt.

Begin with a topic sentence that states your main argument about the quality of the film.
A topic sentence informs the reader of the subject that will be discussed in the paragraph, asserts the writer’s point of view or attitude on the subject, intrigues the reader to continue reading, and is not vague, rambling, too narrow or too broad.
Then, elaborate on your argument and provide evidence from the film in support. You must explain why you hold the position you do on this subject, and provide supporting evidence to convince the reader of the validity of your argument.
Then end with a concluding sentence that summarizes what you’ve argued in the paragraph. (Basically restate your topic sentence argument in other words — hopefully a reader who didn’t buy the argument at the beginning now will recognize its validity).

Make sure to use transitions wherever they might be necessary (such as “for example” or “however”). Then, ask yourself if you can use any of the D.R.A.P.E.S. to make the discussion more interesting and developed.

B) Then write a second paragraph where you discuss the theme of the film Flirt.

Your topic sentence for this paragraph is a one sentence general statement about life or human nature which can be derived by interpreting a story’s overall message. It does not mention specifics
from the story (i.e., specific names, settings, or events), but instead generalizes accurately and comprehensively about the story’s main meaning. What is Flirt’s overall message regarding life,