Financial management: Make and clearly state as many assumptions as you may prefer about your future cash inflows/outflows as well as interest rates.

Financial management

Think carefully about the real-world implications of the concepts you have learned, apply them critically on a real-life scenario and derive lessons. Ideally, you are expected to show how you can realistically apply and exploit the breadth of knowledge you have gained in the module so far.


The word limit is 1,000 words. This does not include calculations, table/chart/figure notes and references. However, it includes footnotes.
10% of the mark is assigned to the answer structure. This means that if you get off-topic in the answer, you might not get all the points from the answer structure.
We take plagiarism very seriously. You should cite all the sources you use.

Essay topic:

Let’s assume that you have just graduated from the University today. Assuming that you can define a Net Present Worth (NPW) in a similar way to the definition of an investment’s Net Present Value (NPV), what would be your personal NPW at this very point in time?


  • Make and clearly state as many assumptions as you may prefer about your future cash inflows/outflows as well as interest rates.
  • Provide real evidence in the form of figures, tables, charts or references to support your assumptions.
  • The more realistic your answer is and broader the set of concepts you cover, the better.