The Policy Implication of Global Climate Change: write a memo to a senior decision maker either in the United States or in another country of your choice, or in an international organization of the UN, or in an international non-governmental organization about the policy implication of global climate change.

The Policy Implication of Global Climate Change

Write a memo to a senior decision maker either in the United States or in another country of your choice, or in an international organization of the UN, or in an international non-governmental organization about the policy implication of global climate change.

The memo itself should be no more than three (3) pages single-spaced.


• A statement of the specific issue to be decided or problem to be addressed by the decision maker– this should be very succinct (usually no more than a paragraph)
• Analysis of the issue or problem — about 1 page
• Presentation of policy options – typically, 2-3 options would be presented for the decision maker to consider; each option should be presented in no more than about one paragraph
The policy memorandum should address an issue or topic related to Climate Change.