Write an essay on dinosaurs and their extinction.

Write an essay on dinosaurs and their extinction.

– Average 2 – 5 per page
– Over three sentences
– No Extra Spaces Between Paragraphs

A – Topic Sentence
– Normally goes first, but (w/good reason) could move around.

B – The Evidence / Supporting Ideas
– Helps to Explain, Prove, or Enhance the topic sentence
– Uses: Reasons, Facts, Statistics, Quotations, Concrete Example

C – Explanation of the Evidence

D – Concluding Statement (no dangling or inconclusiveness)
– Draws together all the ideas you have raised in your paragraph.
– It reminds readers of the main point—the topic sentence—without restating
it in exactly the same words.
– Do not introduce new information; provide closure/completion.
– It may make a prediction….good segue way/transition.

– Transitions
– Context: How does it fit between the last paragraph and the following paragraph?