Create a simple handout that clarifies the similarities and differences between strategies used to incorporate the TBL into the manufacturing industry and the service industry.

Imagine you are a sustainability consultant.

Create a simple handout that clarifies the similarities and differences between strategies used to incorporate the TBL into the manufacturing industry and the service industry.

Address the following :

  • Explain the similarities that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into both the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.
  • Explain the differences that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.
  • Provide an example of a strategy that is appropriate to use across both the service and the manufacturing industries, and provide an example that is specific to either the service or the manufacturing industry when considering people, planet, or profit through the TBL framework. Include a brief explanation of what each example demonstrates.

Guidelines for Submission
Submit this assignment as a 350- to 500-word Word document. Use the course resource or external resources to support your comparisons. Sources should be cited according to APA style.