Develop your primary source analysis paper by choosing two secondary sources and putting them into conversation with each other and with your own ideas and analysis of the primary source artifact.

In 4-5 double spaced pages:

By now, you have submitted your Primary Source Analysis Paper, conducted research, and have composed your The Annotated Bibliography.

For The Secondary Source Integration Paper, you want to revisit and review the feedback you received on the Primary Source Analysis Paper and review the sources you included in your Annotated Bibliography. The Secondary Source Integration Paper builds on the Primary Source Analysis Paper, so it should be an extension of the first paper you wrote this semester. It should demonstrate a meaningful, thoughtful analysis of your primary and secondary sources by putting them into conversation with each other and helping your reader see how the secondary sources enrich our understanding of your interpretation of the primary source.

Develop your primary source analysis paper by choosing two secondary sources and putting them into conversation with each other and with your own ideas and analysis of the primary source artifact. Consider the following questions:

  • What are the secondary sources that agree or disagree with you? How are you going to integrate and connect them to your analysis of the primary source?
  • How does each source’s main argument relate to, support, complicate, or differ from the claims you want to support in your paper?
  • How will these secondary sources expand on your interpretation and analysis of the primary source?
    speak for you and focus on your own analytical claims.

Include a work cited page that follows MLA style. To access the MLA page format template, MLA in-text citations, and MLA formatting quotations, check the module: EN 1110: Course Resources.