Sociology tv show: discuss the common themes .

Sociology tv show

First fill out the coding sheet posted in media. The goal is to pay close attention to the details of the show to accumulate data about certain demographic & storyline trends. You may need to pause or re-watch the show to get sufficient details written down. You need to fill in as many boxes as possible with very specific descriptions. Not all of the categories on the sheet will fit your genre, but most will.

You must watch an actual episode of the show and not simply describe the show in general. At the top of the form, you will find that you need to write the name of the show, which episode you watched, and what network it was aired on.


  • Discuss the common themes .
  • What creative techniques are used to attract the viewer’s attention?
  • How might people have different responses or interpret the messages of the show differently from others?
  • What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, these messages?