How the conversation you are telling me about actually took place.

• Your questions and interests about writing (think of this as a kind of introduction).
• A quick sense of what other conversations you found while looking for the one you wanted to listen in on.
• How the conversation you are telling me about actually took place. Who are the people in it, what seemed to be of greatest concern to each/ What did they agree on and disagree on? What order did this conversation go in, in other words, what turns did they take? How did these people talk? Were there any good lines anyone offered? Share them with me. If you’ve chosen electronic modes like blogging or vlogging for your account of the conversation, what can you SHOW about the conversation without simply using words? What did the conversation look like?
• What did you learn from the conversation? How did your understanding of the issue the conversation focus on change? What did you discover the different writers/speakers were interested in, and what did you learn from those interests and what was being argued about?
• Finally, given what you learned in that conversation, what interests you now? What might you want to know more about? (Does this look like a conclusion?)