APA Citations Practice Exercises: according to Norman , who are brain-damaged or illiterate nevertheless manage to perform tasks well enough to keep their co-workers from knowing about their disabilities.

APA Citations Practice Exercises
1. According to Norman , in everyday situations, behavior is determined by the combination of internal knowledge and external information and constraints (p. 55).
2. Norman has observed that”behavior is determined by the combination of internal knowledge and external information and constraints” (p. 55).
3. Norman has pointed out that people routinely minimize the amount of material they have to learn or they minimize the completeness, klrecision, accuracy, or depth of the learning .
4. NormanĀ  has pointed out that people try to reduce the amount of work they have to do to learn new information. To expend less effort, they may learn as little as they need to do the task at hand or absorb information incompletely or imprecisely (p. 55).
5. “People can deliberately organize the environment to support their behavior,” noted Norman). “Some people with brain damage can function so well that even their co-workers may not be aware of their handicap”.
6. At work, people can organize the environment to support the way they behave, according to Norman. People with brain damage sometimes function so well that co-workers may not know of their handicap, and people who cannot read have been known to fool others even when their job apparently requires reading skills.
7. According to Norman , who are brain-damaged or illiterate nevertheless manage to perform tasks well enough to keep their co-workers from knowing about their disabilities.