Statement from a writer named Patrick Madden: has the pandemic played a role in deepening your respect and appreciation for members of your family, workers in a specific field, or participants in a specific community?explain.

Statement from a writer named Patrick Madden

“I’ve been thinking recently about how we are suddenly so wary of contact and contagion, and wondering if perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic and preventative measures will bring into our foremost consciousness the oft-ignored fact that we rely on each other deeply” (Madden). He further elaborated on this interdependence by adding that we are “so specialized that each of us becomes helpless without the complementary specializations of our neighbors” (Madden).

  • Has the pandemic played a role in deepening your respect and appreciation for members of your family, workers in a specific field, or participants in a specific community?Explain.
  • Explore the ways in which you depend, or have depended, on this group of people.
  • Write reflection essay on the statement from a writer  Patrick Madden.
  • Explore your dependence on a certain group of people and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of our interdependence on each other as human beings.

Follow MLA formatting guidelines in terms of arrangement and a minimum of two pages, typed and double spaced.

Avoid errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.