Is crime increasing in the United States?explain using examples appropriately

Is Crime Increasing in the United States?Explain using examples appropriately

Abstract, Introduction, Background/History/Literature Review, Analysis/Reflection, Conclusion

Use 5 or more peer review sources. This means you should use Pennsylvania State University library to gather your sources.

Discuss how the research might have impacted your thinking or how it differs from what you have experienced in your life. If applicable, you can talk about how your research suggests a different way of looking at the problem, or how what you learned stands in contrast with public understandings (which tend to not be well informed by research). The point here is to engage in rational inquiry that is informed by evidence. Intellectual persuasion comes from evidence; it is not a matter of stating your opinions in strong terms, or cherry-picking research that lines up with your pre-existing opinions. Always argue from an evidence informed, research informed, fact-driven position. You cannot refute science with opinion or anecdotal experience. Opinions, because they are not arrived at as a result of a process of rational inquiry, do not carry the same weight as facts and evidence.