In a 2–4 page paper,identify a funding Source and describe in as much detail as is available the parameters of the grant, and evaluate the fit between the project’s needs and the grant’s target.

Identifying a Funding Source – Grant writing

Research the funding sites given in this and previous units to find a source that might fund your project. Provide specific details on the funding source, including the name, type (public or private), affiliations, mission, amount of grant, list of requirements, and eligibility. You may not find all this information (especially for non-government grants) on the grant search sites. You may need to search the Internet for information on the organization. It is always best to know as much as you can about the funding sources before applying.

In a 2–4 page paper,identify a funding Source and describe in as much detail as is available the parameters of the grant, and evaluate the fit between the project’s needs and the grant’s target.

Evaluate whether there are any potential ethical issues between the grant’s parameters and requirements and the NASW code of ethics. Consider where these factors align, but also where they diverge. Use scholarly sources to back your arguments regarding fit.