“Mysterious Kôr” : identify at least two themes, questions, or key scenes relating to Bowen’s story .  

English 4420 – Twentieth-Century British Literature
“Mysterious Kôr”


Create a list of themes, passages, and questions pertaining to Elizabeth Bowen’s short story “Mysterious Kôr.”

Identify at least two (2) themes, questions, or key scenes relating to Bowen’s story .      These can be preliminary ideas–i.e., you don’t need to have an answer to your question or to be able to fully explain your chosen theme–but they should be explained in clear and concise language. You should, however, strive to identify themes that are complex, nuanced, and open-ended.

If you identify specific scenes for discussion, try to say a bit about what makes them interesting and what you would like to analyze in them. Why does this seem like an important scene to you? What called your attention to this particular scene?

“Mysterious “Kôr”: Key Themes