Write an essay about crypto currency more specifically bitcoin.

Write an essay about crypto currency more specifically bitcoin.

Purpose: The aim of this project is to give you practice in examining an artifact or topic (in this case the artifact/topic is some element of digital information or communications) in order to determine both effects and broader implications of the artifact/topic. By acquiring a thorough understanding of the artifact, one can than began to develop ideas regarding how the artifact is related to broader social and/or cultural conversations.

Task: Select an artifact related to digital information/communications for which you will engage in a meaningful analysis and evaluation that will be demonstrated in an essay. You must briefly describe the artifact and explain why it is relevant or controversial. For this project you will develop a thesis statement that makes some point about the significance of the artifact and its relevance to some broader social and/cultural idea or issue. The essay will be developed by evaluating key features of the artifact and making connections that clearly illustrate how these features prove your thesis statement.
• Refer to the sample essay posted in Assignments labeled “Sample Critical Analysis”

• Include a description or explanation of the artifact/topic
• Include a discussion that provides context (why it’s relevant) for the artifact that will be analyzed
• Clear thesis statement
• Effectively developed supporting paragraphs that describe and evaluate the elements related to the thesis
• 2-4 pages
• You can use sources to help develop your ideas. If you know how to use MLA documentation use that. Otherwise, I will post information about how to informally document your sources for this assignment (see Week Five Assignments)