Write a concession refutation paragraph using the 4-part class model on sexual addiction.


1. Access the (CONCESSION-REFUTATION GUIDE FILE ) as a reference and guide for this assignment.

2. Write a concession refutation paragraph using the 4-part class model on sexual addiction.

3. Make sure your concession disagrees with or goes against Who might disagree with one of your causes or one of the solutions you recommend for the addiction your essay focuses on & why?

4. Review (LARISSA’S CONCESSION REFUTATION PARAGRAPH)Read her thesis, highlighted in YELLOW & then scroll to see her concession-refutation also highlighted in YELLOW Use this sample to give you ideas about how your paragraph should look, but do not use her arguments, reasons or evidence; branch out and do your own thinking and writing

5. Please label the 4-parts of your paragraph as shown in the samples below

6. Double-check your paragraph against the rubric by clicking on the 3 vertical dots at the top of this Canvas page